+91 8758687144


RRK Paper


RRK Turbo screen for Pre-screening

Turbo Screen

Your requirements

  • Efficient screening and deflaking of difficult to defiber recovered paper grades
  • Reliable operation

Our solutions

  • Screening machine with deflaking efficiency up to 80 %
  • Inlet stock consistencies from 3 % - 5 %
  • Continuous light rejects flow
  • Optimum ratio between machine volume and screening area
  • Tangential feed
  • Defibering blocks for deflaking
  • Screen hole sizes Ø 2.0 - 4.0 mm
  • Stellite abrasion protection on rotor leading edges and screen bars

Your benefits

  • Reliable operation even at highest contaminant content
  • Shrink-on disk for easy rotor assembly
  • Shaft seal without sealing water
Volume [m3]
1.1 1.8 2.3
Installed power [kW]
110 - 132 160 - 200 200 - 250
Max. production* [t/24h]
180 285 390